Saturday, March 15, 2008

CAD/CAM Software

CAD, or Computer-Aided Design, refers to a number or suite of computer software tools used in design applications such as architecture, engineering, and manufacturing. From simple tasks such as making blueprints of electrical and plumbing installations, CAD can be used to perform complex calculations such as that of the wind drag on new car-body designs. CAM or Computer-Aided Manufacturing, on the other hand, refers to the process of using specialized computers to control, monitor, and adjust tools and machinery in manufacturing. This process is accomplished with the aid of 2D and 3D CAD systems to graphically represent plant layout, using specific and detailed machine geometry libraries and layout tools.Integrated CAD/CAM basically means using the same brand CAD and CAM products; this idea was conceived to aid engineers who used CAD to draw layouts and then used CAM systems to program from these drawings a process that was time-consuming and subject to a lot of human error. The main advantage of a CAM/CAD software combination is that it enables the products it designs to be automatically manufactured by the same products. For example, construction companies don t need to employ a third party to design or build because both can be done easily with the help of a CAD/CAM program in-house, according to precise specifications. This saves a lot of time and money.However, in order to use a CAD/CAM software system efficiently, a programmer has to learn each program behind the system. Another disadvantage is that since no mixing and matching of products is allowed, once a CAD product is chosen, a buyer is stuck with whatever CAM software it comes with, without any other options. AutoCAD Software provides detailed information on CAD Software, AutoCAD Software, Free CAD Software, CAD/CAM Software and more. AutoCAD Software is affiliated with Manufacturing Business Software.

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